Mono | VR Film

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Mono – Virtual Reality Film

The “Mono” project represents one of the first stories developed in Unreal Engine 5, exhibited at the Venice Biennale 2022 in the Virtual Reality project productions section. The interactive animated short film explores whether contact with nature can relieve stress, depressive symptoms and offer a moment of peace during difficult times in our lives.


Creating an Animation Short in Virtual Reality

We met the challenge by creating highly detailed 3D content that would be used by a partner to make the XR TV studio. This content formed the visual basis of the event, ensuring that every detail of the virtual environment faithfully reflected Nexi’s headquarters and the iconic Peace Arch. Working closely with our partner, we ensured a seamless integration between the physical and digital worlds. Our key role was to ensure that the transition between real and virtual elements was smooth, thus creating a cohesive and engaging experience for viewers.

An image from the VR film "Mono" showing a stylized black-and-white figure sitting on a sofa, leaning toward a bright TV set


Using Unreal Engine 5 for an Immersive Experience

To meet this challenge, our team harnessed the power of Unreal Engine 5, creating a detailed and realistic virtual environment. The synopsis of “Mono” sees Una, the protagonist, embarking on an emotional journey from her static and oppressive environment to the freedom and serenity of the outdoor garden. Through the interactivity of Virtual Reality, viewers become an “active consciousness,” interacting with Una and helping her reach the garden. Using VR controllers, users see themselves as a cloud of colorful watercolor that energizes the protagonist. This element is crucial to convey empathy and engage the viewer in the narrative.

Engine Use and Technological Challenge

Unreal Engine 5

Developing “Mono” with Unreal Engine 5 presented several technological challenges, being one of the first short films made with this newly released version. The power of Unreal Engine 5 made it possible to create detailed and realistic environments, but it also required great attention to resource management and performance optimization to ensure a smooth and immersive experience.

Result and Impact

The project was a success, presented at the Venice Biennale 2022 and receiving praise for its technological innovation and ability to create an engaging emotional experience. “Mono” not only demonstrates the potential of Virtual Reality as a narrative medium, but also the importance of contact with nature for emotional well-being.

Scena in bianco e nero dal film VR "Mono" realizzata con Unreal Engine. Una figura femminile stilizzata interagisce con un microonde acceso, illuminando una cucina scura e minimalista.
VR film “Mono” gallery 1
Una scena tratta dal film VR "Mono" che raffigura un soggetto stilizzato seduto su un divano, illuminato dalla luce fredda di una TV accesa, mentre fuma in una stanza buia
VR film “Mono” gallery 2
Scena in realtà virtuale in bianco e nero, realizzata con Unreal Engine per il film "Mono". Una figura femminile stilizzata si trova in un paesaggio naturale con alberi e una casa sullo sfondo
VR film “Mono” gallery 4
Una scena tratta dal film VR "Mono" che raffigura un soggetto stilizzato che si china su una rosa rossa in un paesaggio rurale immerso nella quiete
VR film “Mono” gallery 5
Scena in realtà virtuale creata con Unreal Engine, ambientata in una cucina buia. Una figura stilizzata è rannicchiata sul pavimento accanto a un tavolino, mentre un microonde acceso illumina debolmente l’ambiente.
VR film “Mono” gallery 6
Una immagine dal film VR "Mono" che mostra una figura stilizzata in bianco e nero seduta su un divano, protesa verso un televisore luminoso
VR film “Mono” gallery 7
Scena in bianco e nero dal film VR "Mono" realizzata con Unreal Engine. Una figura femminile stilizzata interagisce con un microonde acceso, illuminando una cucina scura e minimalista.
VR film "Mono" gallery 1
Una scena tratta dal film VR "Mono" che raffigura un soggetto stilizzato che si china su una rosa rossa in un paesaggio rurale immerso nella quiete
VR film "Mono" gallery 5
Scena in realtà virtuale in bianco e nero, realizzata con Unreal Engine per il film "Mono". Una figura femminile stilizzata si trova in un paesaggio naturale con alberi e una casa sullo sfondo
VR film "Mono" gallery 4
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