Civitas 5 | Archviz

3D Rendering
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Architectural Redevelopment Through 3D Rendering.


CIVITAS 5 represents an emblematic example of how technology and design can come together to enhance and transform urban spaces. At the heart of the project is the architectural and energy upgrading of a city block to create a synergy between nature, modernity and sustainability. Stone, a symbol of historical continuity, is reinterpreted with contemporary materials to redefine the identity of these spaces.

The challenge

Tradition and Innovation Compared

The project aimed to communicate a complex idea: to maintain the existing architectural metrics and syntax, but with a “new contemporary dress” that integrated technological innovations such as ventilated walls, thermal insulation, and photovoltaic panels. It was essential to present a realistic and clear preview that combined functionality, aesthetics and sustainability, helping stakeholders and designers visualize the end result.

The solution

3D Rendering for the Future

Loto Studios supported the project through photorealistic 3D renderings, faithfully recreating every detail of the planned intervention. Starting with photographs, CAD drawings and reference materials, we created images and photo-insertions that enabled:

  • Visualize the impact of the chosen materials, such as stoneware stone stump gré and oak wood, on the exteriors.
  • Communicate the integration of nature and architecture by showing how vegetation will grow on stone surfaces.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of proposed technical solutions, such as high-performance window frames and thermal insulation systems.
  • Engage and inspire investors and partners through realistic depictions of the neighborhood’s transformation from a green and environmentally sustainable perspective.


Rendering 3D della facciata di un edificio residenziale di notte. L’ingresso è illuminato con luci sottili che evidenziano il logo “CIVITAS” e il numero “5” sulla parete.
Civitas 5 gallery 1
Rendering 3D del complesso residenziale Civitas con facciate in pietra chiara e balconi con ringhiere metalliche.
Civitas 5 gallery 2
Rendering 3D di un edificio del progetto Civitas 5, visto da un lato. La facciata in pietra scura è decorata con balconi dotati di ringhiere metalliche e piante verdi sospese.
Civitas 5 gallery 3
Rendering 3D di un edificio residenziale del progetto Civitas 5, con una facciata in pietra scura e una pala eolica.
Civitas 5 gallery 4
Rendering di un edificio residenziale moderno con facciata in pietra grigia e balconi con piante rampicanti.
Civitas 5 gallery 7
Rendering del complesso residenziale Civitas 5, caratterizzato da un edificio con facciata in pietra scura e balconi con piante rampicanti. Accanto all’edificio si trova una pala eolica.
Civitas 5 gallery 6
Rendering di un edificio residenziale moderno per il progetto Civitas 5 con una pala eolica nel giardino, pannelli solari sul tetto e una recinzione bianca che delimita l’area
Civitas 5 gallery 7
Rendering del complesso residenziale Civitas 5, caratterizzato da un edificio con facciata in pietra scura e balconi con piante rampicanti. Accanto all’edificio si trova una pala eolica.
Civitas 5 gallery 8
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The importance of Architectural Redevelopment.

CIVITAS 5 demonstrates how redevelopment interventions can transform the urban fabric, enhancing historical identity and propelling it toward a sustainable future. Projects like this not only improve the aesthetics and functionality of spaces, but represent a concrete step toward ecological transition. Through technology, such as 3D rendering, the potential of these works can be accurately communicated, inspiring new solutions for contemporary design and architecture.

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