VR Training

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Revolutionizing Technical Education

Virtual reality (VR) is transforming the landscape of technical training, offering an innovative way to learn and practice complex skills in simulated environments. This technology allows highly detailed and realistic scenarios to be recreated, reducing costs and improving safety compared to traditional methods. One area where VR is proving particularly effective is in training for maintenance operations on hard-to-reach and potentially dangerous equipment. Through immersive simulations, students can gain hands-on experience in a controlled environment, reducing the risk of errors and increasing their confidence and competence.

The Challenge

Simulating Complex Technical Operations

The need to simulate technical operations inside maintenance booths presents a significant challenge. These environments are often difficult to access and pose high risks to technicians. Operations require precision, experience, and the ability to operate safely with specific tools. Traditional training, based on manuals or field training, does not always guarantee effective or safe learning. In addition, preparing students for complex scenarios without exposing them to dangerous situations requires an innovative and technologically advanced approach.

The Solution

An Innovative Training Tool

To address this challenge, we have developed a comprehensive solution by leveraging virtual reality through state-of-the-art visors that faithfully replicate the technical operations required for maintenance.

The project began with an in-depth scouting phase, during which we filmed and analyzed every step of the work performed by technical experts.

Next, we created an advanced tool that includes several features designed to enhance learning:

  • Dynamic dressing: Users must equip themselves properly before entering the scenario, ensuring a safe and realistic experience.
  • Variable modes of access: The training offers three modes: a didactic one with dynamic quizzes, a practical one with supporting infographics, and an advanced one without help to challenge acquired skills.
  • Performance monitoring: Time, error and score data are collected to provide detailed analysis of user performance.

This solution not only increases the safety and effectiveness of training, but also offers benefits such as continuous access to virtual scenarios, personalization of learning, and significant cost reduction compared to traditional training. With VR Training, you can prepare technicians for the challenges of the future in a way that combines innovation and practicality.

Simulazione di scenario immersivo VR: un operatore si trova di fronte a una pompa industriale e a un pannello virtuale con istruzioni per completare una sequenza di sostituzione del vaso di espansione
VR Training gallery 1
Scenario immersivo di addestramento VR: una mano virtuale manipola un pannello elettrico ad alta tensione, mentre un elenco di procedure operative è visualizzato a destra.
VR Training gallery 2
Simulazione interattiva VR: un operatore osserva una postazione con attrezzature di sicurezza, tra cui stivali, guanti e cassette di attrezzi dielettrici.
VR Training gallery 3
Simulazione VR di addestramento: due porte etichettate come ‘Cabina Elettrica’ e ‘Sala Pompaggio’, con moduli di manutenzione per studente, apprendista e manutentore su un tavolo.
VR Training gallery 4
Simulazione interattiva in realtà virtuale: una mano virtuale seleziona una cassetta di attrezzi dielettrici, affiancata da guanti protettivi su un tavolo.
VR Training gallery 5
Simulazione VR con quiz interattivo: una domanda chiede di identificare un dispositivo, con opzioni multiple visualizzate su uno schermo virtuale.
VR Training slide 6
Addestramento immersivo in realtà virtuale: una mano virtuale interagisce con due batterie ad alte prestazioni collegate a cavi verdi.
VR Training gallery 7
Simulazione VR di addestramento: una mano virtuale interagisce con una valvola collegata a un sistema di tubature rosse.
VR Training gallery 8
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