3D modeling

We transform ideas and products into detailed and realistic 3D models, ready to be integrated into video games, virtual applications, and 3D printing projects.

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From real object to virtual model

3D modeling allows physical objects to be converted into detailed digital models ready for a variety of uses in the digital and physical worlds. Through advanced scanning and modeling technologies, every feature and peculiarity of objects can be captured, preserving their design and optimizing them for various applications.

This process is critical for industries ranging from gaming and film, where visual details are essential, to industrial design and cultural heritage preservation, where preserving the integrity of the object is crucial.

3D digitization thus supports a wide range of uses, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 3D printing, and prototyping, offering accurate and immersive results for every need.

Modello 3D dettagliato di un pozzo medievale in pietra, con struttura ad arco e secchio sospeso, posizionato su una pavimentazione in ciottoli.
Pozzo medievale 3d
Confronto tra il modello 3D del pozzo medievale con texture applicate e la versione senza texture
Modello texturizzato e non texturizzato di un pozzo medievale in 3D
Confronto tra la versione high poly e low poly del modello 3D di un pozzo medievale
Pozzo 3d high poly vs low poly
Dettaglio di una porta ad arco in legno con cornice in pietra, affiancata da barili, vasi e un’insegna di locanda, in una città medievale ricostruita in Unreal Engine.
Dettaglio porta ad arco di città medievale in 3d
Strada acciottolata di una città medievale, con edifici in pietra, porte in legno, un’insegna di locanda e torce accese, creata in Unreal Engine.
Strada di città medievale in 3d
Scorcio di una piazza medievale con un antico pozzo di pietra al centro, torce accese sulle pareti in pietra e una bancarella di frutta e verdura, ricostruito in Unreal Engine.
Piazza medievale in 3d
Scorcio di una piazza di un villaggio medievale italiano, con una bancarella di mercato coperta da un telo a strisce rosse e bianche.
Piazza di un villaggio medievale in 3d
Wireframe del robot del progetto Neo Tokyo, mostrato da due prospettive con dettagli della cabina e degli arti.
Wireframe robot Neo Tokyo 3D
Mesh wireframe del personaggio 3D di Neo Tokyo: donna anziana (27.338 triangoli) e robot (67.478 triangoli), con texture 4K a sinistra.
Mesh wireframe del personaggio 3D di Neo Tokyo
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Faithful reproduction
AI optimization
Application versatility
Reduced timeframes
Detailed precision

Scope of application

3D Modeling for Video Games

We create detailed 3D models for video game characters, objects and environments, optimized for game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine. Perfect for immersive experiences, our models combine realism and performance, enhancing the player experience.

3D modeling for Cinema

We design highly detailed 3D models for film and animation, ideal for visual effects and animated sequences. Our solutions enhance film productions with visual realism that enriches the narrative.

3D digitization of a futuristic car with a transparent body revealing internal components, including engine, battery and electronic systems

3D modeling for industry

We make 3D models for industrial prototypes, optimizing design and accelerating decision making. Perfect for production testing, our models reduce time and cost while improving design effectiveness.

3D Modeling for Printing

We create print-ready 3D models that are ideal for prototypes, custom components, and unique objects. With precise details and technical optimization, we guarantee high-quality results for industrial and creative projects.

3D Modeling for Architecture

We make 3D models for buildings, interior and exterior, which can be used in virtual or augmented reality. Our solutions enhance architectural presentations, facilitating design decisions with realistic and engaging visualizations.

3D modeling for E-commerce

We design photorealistic 3D models for e-commerce and retail, ideal for interactive digital catalogs. Our solutions enhance the online shopping experience by presenting products in an engaging and detailed manner.


We look forward to helping you reach your goals! Would you like a no-obligation quote? Here are our contact details. Alternatively, fill out the form in each of its fields and we will get back to you as soon as possible!


C.so Unione Sovietica 594, 10135 Turin (TO)


+39 378 060 9310



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